Council of Ministers of Angola with automatic unfolding screens

The project “Refurbishing of the Ministers Council of Angola Meeting Room” required state of the art AV technologies. It included initially 40 CONVERS BLADE retractable monitors on ministers table and additional 66 screens for support staff on peripheral tables.

Following discussions on table layout and ergonomics the new ELEMENT ONE FOLD! 2.0 concept was presented to them by AV specialist Audium Electroacústica from Lisbon.

“The advantages of this new monitor where so relevant that, despite a higher cost, order was amended to use FOLD! 2.0 monitors on ministers table.”

Filipe Antrade Santos, CEO, Audium Electroacústica SA, Lisbon, Portugal

Deciding factors for choosing FOLD! monitors were:

  • Ergonomics, making touchscreen operation much more comfortable due to a more convenient screen angle.
  • Less visual obstruction over the table due to lower screen angle.
  • Aesthetical nicer due to the lower profile of the monitors over the table and the slicker monitor design.
  • Better leg room under the table, since monitor case could be placed further inward, while
  • screen movement will slide it over the table to reach user.
  • Better privacy due to lower visibility from outside. The near horizontal angle makes viewing around the monitor difficult, also from behind the user.