Products ROTATIS – Retractable 350° turnable Monitor FOLD! 2.0 | FOLD! 4K – Robotlike Touchmonitor MODIS FIVE – Slim Design Screen, Notebook-like – Integrated Keyboard Lift MODIS FLEX – Notebook-like extandable Monitor – integrated Keyboard Lift CONVERS BLADE – 8mm thin Retractable TouchMonitor | 4K or FullHD CONVERS GT – Glass & Aluminum in Motion CONVERS ONE – Versatile, vertically retractable Aluminum Monitor CONVERS FLEX – Retractable Design Monitor CONVERS CONMIC – Combination Retractable Monitor & Microphone :RotoCam | Rotatable Camera goes above the FOLD! CONVERS DOUBLE – Double sided, retractable Monitor VERSIS FLEX – Monitor visible when folded – integrated Keyboard Lift VERSIS /75 – Desk-like extandable Monitor TURNIS – Manually retractable Monitor CONVERS RETROFIT – Use the original table cutout CONVIS – Versatile Conference TouchMonitor CONMIC – Conference Microphone Lift SOCKET-X – Design Connector Panel for Meeting Tables FOLD! Robotlike, unfolding (Touch)Monitor | 15.6" | 17.3" | 27,0" | FullHD | 4K/UHD MODIS FIVE Notebooklike foldable Glass/Aluminum Monitor 17,3" | 22,5" | 23,8" | FullHD | 4K/UHD MODIS FLEX Notebook-like retractable Monitor with retractable Keyboard Tray 17,3" | 21,5" CONVERS BLADE 8mm slim vertically retractable Monitor | 12.5" | 15.6" | 17.3" | FullHD | 4K/UHD CONVERS GT Vertically retractable Glass/Aluminum Monitor | 22,5" | 23.8" | FullHD | 4K/UHD CONVERS ONE Versatile vertically retractable aluminum Monitor | 12.5" | 15.6" | 17.3" | 18.5" | 21.5" | 23.8" CONVERS FLEX Vertical retractable glass & aluminum design monitor | 17.3" | 21.5" CONVERS CONMIC Combination of retractable Monitor & retractable Microphones :ROTOCAM | FOLD! Rotating HiRes Cam for FOLD! CONVERS DOUBLE Double-sided, vertically retractable Monitor | 21.5" CONVERS RETROFIT New monitor in existing table cut-out VERSIS FLEX Retractable Monitor with/without retractable keyboard unit - image visible when closed | 17.3" | 21.5" VERSIS /75 Desk-like extendable Monitor - image visible when closed | 17.3" | 21.5" TURNIS Manually retractable Monitor | 17.3" | 21.5" ROTATIS Retractable 350° Turntable Monitor | 17.3" | 21.5" TECNIS inTable Flush-mount (Touch-) Monitor | 17.3" | 21.5" CONVIS Versatile Conference (Touch)Monitor | 10.1" | 12.5" | 15.6" | FullHD | 4K/UHD CONMIC Conference Microphone Lift SOCKET-X Table connection panel in ELEMENT ONE Design VERSIS VESA Universal (Touch-) Monitor Lift V-FREE Automatic TouchScreen Disinfection for ELEMENT ONE Monitors Awarded! CUSTOMIZATION Monitor & Microphone solutions, shapes and surfaces on demand